Prolog: Lifelogging Workspaces

Prolog: Lifelogging Workspaces

The Prolog Project integrates the concepts of lifelogging, ambient storytelling, and world building practiced at USC’s School of Cinematic Arts with the Steelcase Workspace Futures research into human augmentation, Social-Spatial-Informational themes.  The objective is to develop a Lifelog for a creative collaborative team space that becomes part of the collaboration itself.  

  • Documenting the process of an entire creative team, from the perspective of the workspace. 
  • Telling the story of a team and a project through captured video, audio, and shared media .
  • Re-presentation of shared and captured media by the space itself as it learns about the team and contributes to the process.


By connecting personal and building lifelogs, a unique productive and reflective relationship can be developed between building and inhabitant.  This takes shape as the workspace itself becomes a collaborative character that interacts with its inhabitants and enables new forms of communication and interaction throughout workspace.  This character does not necessarily have an explicit human voice, but it becomes a friendly ambient presence that creates a productive flow across the spatial lifelog and a set of new interfaces throughout the workspace.  A character presents itself to its inhabitants through visual and sonic cues, and by becoming an integrated part of the workspace Lifelog. 

As each building character begins to learn about its individual inhabitants through daily interactions and pattern recognition, it develops a set of behaviors and personal cues to demonstrate its awareness of each inhabitant.  And as inhabitants begin to spend more time in the building, they are afforded the ability to give feedback to the building, customize their personal lifelogs, and impact the outcome of other interactions they have with the building.

Project Date: 2014-2015

Project Team: 

  • Chanel Summers
  • Scott Fisher
  • Jen Stein
  • Behnaz Farahi
  • Julain Ceipek
  • Lawrence Jung
  • April Luo
  • Ian Nash
  • Anshul Pendse
  • Lauren Johnson

Steelcase Workspace Futures: 

  • Terry West
  • Mark Baloga
  • Frank Graziano
  • Nicholas De Benoist
  • Paul Noll